Author Archives: admin1234

Because Mama Can

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men and Wedding Planners Well, we did it. We got the boy married off. Sir Flying Ace and his precious Miss AirHeart tied the knot to fly the friendly skies, united. The wedding was beautiful. The venue was breath-taking and the rain was pouring right up until 30… Continue Reading

Canning Ham

Ham It Up!! When I was a child, I remember going to my grandmother’s and granddad’s house and it just seems like everytime we visited, one meal always consisted of a very large baked ham. I hated that dinner (sorry Grandmother) because the gargantuan ham had rings of pineapple stuck strategically all over the skin,… Continue Reading

Ham and Egg Tostadas

Last week, I shared with you the fact that, though one can think that one has all things under control, the reality usually rears its ugly head and one finds out that one has NOTHING under control! My dad used to tell about a professor at the University of Kentucky, back in the 1950s, who… Continue Reading